Ranch Sorting

Ranch Sorting events in Texas

Horseback Events/HORSEBACK EVENTS/Horseback Events

by Leslie Greco, Events Editor

“FREE” Basic Listing

Highlighting Texas & Oklahoma equine events with listings from ALL states welcome. MENTION YOU READ THEIR LISTING ON HORSEBACK!

(Horseback Magazine is not responsible for errors or omissions)

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NOTE: CALL Before You Haul-due to weather or land closings!!!

Listen to your Weather Channel as Tornado Season Approaches the Mid-western region and other areas in the USA.

NOTE: CALL Before You Haul-due to weather or land closings!!! NOTE: Las Colinas Equestrian Center is CLOSED.

Team Sorting Practice: Every Thursday night 6:30 PM. 3 miles south of Lindsay, OK. Hodie Estes (405) 756-6713

TUESDAYS: Team Roping practice, 7pm. Cowboy Sports Arena, Springtown, TX Jerry Don Galloway (936) 348-0943

TUESDAYS: 4-D Barrel Jackpot, exhibitions 2-7 PM. Jackpot 7:30 PM. Somervell County Expo Center, Glen Rose, TX (254) 897-4509

THURSDAYS: Barrel Jackpot, exhibitions 6 PM. Open jackpot 8 PM. Collinsville Indoor Arena, Collinsville, TX. Jennifer Williams (214) 797-9723

THURSDAYS: Team Roping Practice. 7 PM. Cowboy Sports Arena, Springtown, TX Jerry Don Galloway (936) 348-0943

FRIDAYS: Stockyards Championship Rodeo. 8 PM. Cowtown Coliseum, Fort Worth, TX. (888) COWTOWN or (817) 625-1025

FRIDAYS: Open House & Tennessee Walking Horse Showcase, A Walking Horse Ranch, Terrell, TX. Dr. Marsha Miller DC (214) 799-3337

SATURDAYS: Stockyards Championship Rodeo. 8 PM. Cowtown Colisum, Fort Worth, TX. (888) COWTOWN or (817) 625-1025

SATURDAYS: Lessons by Christi Rains, Parelli Natural Horsemanship (4-Star Instructor) 9 AM – 4 PM. Glen Rose, TX (254) 897-7293

SATURDAYS: Tejas Open Pro Rodeo, 7:30pm-9pm. followed by live music and dance. Tejas Rodeo Company (830) 980-2226

SUNDAYS: Lessons by Christi Rains Parelli Natural Horsemanship (4-Star Instructor), 9 AM – 4 PM. Glen Rose, TX (254) 897-7293


The Young Guns are a dedicated group of young riders that enjoy competing in drill competitions, performing at rodeos and riding in parades and special events. The team practices in the Grand Saline & Lindale areas (Texas) We take entry level youth & advanced youth riders. To join the Young Guns Drill Team contact Sara Bass or Pam Bonner at (903) 963-1833 or email: ridethatponyfast@cs, com


FEB. 15-18: CMSA Bishops Trailer Sales Winter US Championship, Queen Creek, AZ (888) 960-0003

FEB. 17-19: Cowboy Mounted Shooters Freeze Out Shoot-Out, Brazos County Expo Center, Bryan, TX (888) 960-0003

MAR. 23-26: AQHA Cowboy Mounted Shooting World Championship, Reliant Center, Fannin Street, Houston, TX (888) 960-0003

MAR. 31-APRIL 2: Lazy E Mounted Shooting Classic, Lazy E Arena, Guthrie, OK (800) 595-7433


FEB. 18-19: Austin Dressage Unltd. 8th Annual Judging and Showing Skills Seminar with Lilo Fore, Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX. Carol Schmickrath (512) 863-5005

FEB. 23-26: Jeremy Steinberg Dressage Clinic, Oldebroek Tabor Sporthorses, Medina, TX. Tracy Augustine (830) 388-0451

FEB. 24-26: Anthony Desreaux Horsemanship Clinic, South Paw Ranch, Farmersville, TX. Patti Crow (214) 707-4187

FEB. 24-26: Lainey Asker Eventing Clinic, Texas Rose Horse Park, Tyler, TX. (832) 600-1698

FEB. 25-26: Buck Davidson Eventing Clinic, Holly Hill Farm, Benton, LA. Tracy Hewlett (318) 965-9480

MARCH 3-5: A Legacy of Legends 7th Annual Gathering, colt starting & horsemanship. Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth, TX. Carolyn Hunt (208) 899-2098

MAR. 10-12: Buck Brannaman Foundation & Horsemanship I Clinic, Diamond T Arena, Denton, TX. Patti Crow (214) 707-4187

MAR. 17-19: Warwick Schiller Horsemanship & Problem Solving Clinic, Texas Rose Horse Park, Tyler, TX. Don Scarborough (214) 243-9579


FEB. 24-26: Stock Horse of Texas Show, Taylor County Expo Center, Abilene, TX (855) 846-7468

FEB. 24-26: Big Country Quarter Horse Show, Extraco Ecents Center, Waco, TX (254) 776-1660

FEB. 26: Susar Farm 40th Anniversary Show, 9AM, Denton, TX Susan Mayo (940) 566-0630

MAR. 4: Chisholm Trail Stampede Open Horse Show Spring Series, 9AM. Shepherd’s Valley Cowboy Church, Alvarado, TX John Robker (817) 558-8780

MAR. 10-11: Hunt County Horseman’s Assoc. Open & AQHA Show, Hopkins County Civic Center, Sulphur Springs, TX Angie Middleton (214) 641-9582

MAR. 10-12: College Preparatory Invitational Horse Show, Texas Rose Horse Park, Tyler, TX Lindsay Martin (786) 369-9040

Source: horsebackmagazine.com
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